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Ron Lundquist

From the monthly archives: February 2018

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'February 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Who Can View My Bankruptcy Record and Why Does it Matter?

Filing a personal bankruptcy case is public record. Your case, however, is not something that the general public can obtain easily. Although various websites provide this information, they’re not as easy to access as you would think. Most of these sites require paid subscriptions - something that most people will not find valuable.

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3 Foreclosure Myths You Should Ignore

If you currently face the personal and financial challenges of keeping your home, you may be looking at a foreclosure. Ron Lundquist, Attorney at Law, can help you find relief during tough economic times. Like bankruptcy, myths swirl around foreclosure making it difficult for you to separate fact from fiction. I can help you get accurate information so that you make wise decisions during the foreclosure process. My legal team has put together these five common foreclosure myths that you need to avoid. If you have any further questions, feel free to call our Eagan, MN office.

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